Which Dictator Killed The Most People?

They say that it takes compassion for humanity, love for country and a strong pursuit of justice and mercy, to become a strong and respected leader of the masses.
However, every once in a while, there are politicians or generals who decide to do things their own way. These cold-blooded dictators do not care for the value of life as much as they do for achieving their selfish motives of domination, power and immortality.
This infographic shows worldwide dictators ordered by the number of killings: 1 drop, 1 million dead.
Apparently, Hitler and Stalin combined killed less people that Mao Zedong.
Disclaimer: There is a mistake in this infographic. Turkey as a country exists since 1923, before that region the infographic refers to was known as an Ottoman Empire. Also, İsmail Enver Pasha wasn’t a dictator, he was a general in Ottoman army and a leader of the 1908 Young Turk Revolution. Big thanks to Osman!
Via: trueactivist.com